Ramblings of a relatively new truck driver

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Thursday, November 26, 2009


I pull out early and swing into a 24 hour public scale, it was closed till 8am. As I was pulling out and looking for another scale that was enroute. I once again saw the banner still hanging under their road sign 24 hours it said. Nobody had bothered to tell the banner about the new hours of operation or pull it down. Anyway scaled all axles more than 1000lbs under max.

Rest of the day was a nice relaxing ride through the country side. Non of the packed highways with the weekend warriors that the east coasters are experiencing. I finished up the day in Winslow, AZ. Tomorrow's plan is to reach the eastern border of Texas roughly 620 miles.

In the reading/listening department.....

Audiobook -- (whilst driving)

Michael Connelly - The Lincoln Lawyer Just finished this one it was good

Brian D'Amato - In The Courts Of The Sun Started this late yesterday so far it is struggling to hold my interest.

Ebook reading

Over the last 2 weeks I've finished...

This is a series of 35 books by William W. Johnstone while very interesting I have a feeling that I'll need to take a break and read something else at some point or points along the way.

Have a nice day

Bookerz out

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About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I've been married for 21 years. After nearly 25 years in the retail industry I decided to make an abrupt change in direction into the trucking industry.