Ramblings of a relatively new truck driver

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Sunday, September 27, 2009


Lets see we left off at that crappy truckstop at x76 on I95 in GA El Cheapo Fuel. I guess there actually is a great deal in a name.

I took off and stop shortly for fuel it still dark 30 in the am. Top off my tanks. Went inside to trans-flo some paperwork. This place had a Sub-way and a Mcdonalds. Now its about 4am and the MickyDs was closed and the Subway open I thought that was wierd but who am I. So much for getting something to eat.

Made it to Laurinburg dropped my trailer and grabbed a shower. Decided to bob tail into town to restock at Walmart and return the Linksys NIC. It wasn't doing any better than the built in NIC and beside I got an ATT nic which can also receive regular wifi signals. So with $70 more than I planned (thought they would put the money back on my bankcard) I proceeded to purchase some supplies.

Have restocked the truck it was time to grab my load and see how far I could get with the pityful few hours I had left on my 70 hour clock. Made it up by Flecther Home, NC before I had to shut it down. There just inst a real good way to go through Charlotte when traveling east-west or west-east, but it being Saturday helped alot. The whole day was heavily overcast and misty or light rain from Laurinburg to here but It wasn't heavy enough to drive the 4 wheelers crazy. So it turned out to be a nice drive overall.

Tonights culinary choices include (drumroll please) Huddle House (greasy spoon on a regional scale) or Bojangles (all things chicken) hmmmm. Think I'll wait till I'm hungier then decide.

Have a good day

Bookerz out

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About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I've been married for 21 years. After nearly 25 years in the retail industry I decided to make an abrupt change in direction into the trucking industry.