Ramblings of a relatively new truck driver

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Monday, December 7, 2009


It will be nice when they complete the four laning of US35 from I-64 over to the Ohio side. All in all it was a straight forward day. Saw a quick snow flurry in WV and a couple of flakes in Ohio, but it didn't last and the roads were clear. There was some lingering evidence of vehicular mishaps, but I'm not sure when they had occured.

I'm about 30 miles east of Bloomington-Normal, IL and that leaves me a mere 460 miles to traverse tomorrow. Should the weather turn to the worse I plan to have enough lee way in my scheduling to make the appointment anyway.

Earliest I can get out of the gate tomorrow is 2:30 am. But, the plan is at this point is to get up then fire up the beloved coffee maker and take off at 3am central. With any luck that should put me at the consignee 12 hours prior to my appointment. This client sometimes unloads you early and lately my luck has been real good with them. If so I might be able to scoot out of the fall out zone before it gets too ugly.

Well this driver needs to hit the sack if he is gonna arise at that early hour so off I go

Have a good night

Bookerz out

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Greenville, SC, United States
I've been married for 21 years. After nearly 25 years in the retail industry I decided to make an abrupt change in direction into the trucking industry.