Ramblings of a relatively new truck driver

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Monday, April 19, 2010


I've been told I worry to much by a fellow driver. My wife would balk at that idea, but that is what I've been told. Now on to why I even mention that.

Today had so much potential to be a crappy day.

  • I was going to be late for my appointment. Not my fault but I'm a bit O.C.D. About being late.

  • The address on the work assignment said one place. But when I pulled up the automated directions they said another.

  • You never know how customs is going to be and the later you are the worse the border usually is.

So I worried about the customer being angry their product was late and me arriving at the wrong location which would in turn make me later yet.

Well customs was a breeze as I pulled to the crossing point the truck infront of me was pulling away.

The Queens express way slowed down in a few spots, but was good considering it was the tail end of rush hour. The customer didn't even blink. They are moving from one facility to another and I did go to the right one first time. They got me unloaded super quick!

So all that worrying was for naught.

For my reload I headed over to get a load of lumber after breaking down the trailer into flatbed mode. They did overload me (the only hiccup of the day) but I was able to get that fixed and myself back into the states for tonight. I am taking it over to Geneva, NY and once unloaded will most likely get a load out of the glass plant there. We will just have to let that part unfold.

Have a good day! I sure did!!!!

Bookerz out

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About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I've been married for 21 years. After nearly 25 years in the retail industry I decided to make an abrupt change in direction into the trucking industry.