Ramblings of a relatively new truck driver

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Monday, December 28, 2009


It was pointed out to me that my previous blog photo was bad enough to frighten small children and could perform in some sort of pest control function. Hence while the Christmas cameras were flashing I was able to find a better photo. It still doesn't make me into a beefcake, but I guess photos can do only so much. :))

I took a small break from my vacation and took the tractor over to the local Freightshaker dealer to get an oil leak fixed. I think I made a mistake when I told them I was on vacation, but we will see.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and will Have a prosperious New Year

Bookerz out

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About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I've been married for 21 years. After nearly 25 years in the retail industry I decided to make an abrupt change in direction into the trucking industry.