Ramblings of a relatively new truck driver

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Monday, May 10, 2010


I have but a few minutes before I need to mosey on down the highway.

Yesterday went well until I hit north of Richmond, VA. From that point until Washington it was speed up and slow down, rinse and repeat. It added a hour to two hours to what was already going to be a long day. I did make my objective for the day though.

Today the plan is to get within 150-200 miles of tomorrows 7am delivery point in Riviere De Loup, PQ. This will entail another long day. But once I get beyond NYC area the scenery becomes nice. So it should be a pleasant day.

Well it is going to be a short one. Got to get moving and all that

Have a nice day

Bookerz out

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About Me

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Greenville, SC, United States
I've been married for 21 years. After nearly 25 years in the retail industry I decided to make an abrupt change in direction into the trucking industry.